Students at Weber State University, like students at most colleges, are subject to the rules of their university’s code of conduct. If students violate the academic or behavioral policies put forth by the University, they could face sanctions, potentially including expulsion.
If you or your college-aged child is facing potential disciplinary measures at Weber State University, contact Overson Law today. Our disciplinary hearing lawyers for students at Weber State University represent students in criminal cases and academic disciplinary hearings, working to keep them out of jail and enrolled in school. For a free legal consultation on your case, call our attorneys today at (801) 758-2287.
Academic Disciplinary Hearing Procedures for Students at Weber State University
There are two main types of college disciplinary hearings you could face as a student: hearings for academic issues or hearings for other issues of misconduct. Academic hearings are usually held in response to allegations of cheating, plagiarism, or other instances of academic dishonesty. Other non-academic hearings are held to try students for other issues of code of conduct violations, often including illegal or criminal behavior.
Any time you do face potentially serious penalties for misconduct, you should be entitled to a disciplinary hearing before the school can expel you or take other drastic disciplinary measures against you. In either case, there should be set rules and procedures that govern your case, but in cases of non-academic disciplinary hearings, the standards are governed more heavily by Utah law, not just school policy.
In any type of hearing, you should be entitled to notice and an opportunity to be heard. This notice gives you a chance to get your case together, speak with a lawyer, and plan on what to do at the hearing. The opportunity to be heard means that you must be given a chance to speak in your own defense, cross-examine witnesses, and present evidence in your own defense.
Your attorney is permitted to speak for you and represent you during the hearing for non-academic misconduct issues. The rules for academic hearings are decided separately by the University. In these hearings, your attorney works as an “advisor.” An advisor can make opening and closing statements on your behalf, sit with you during the hearing, advise you on how to answer questions, and otherwise speak up on your behalf, helping to protect your rights.
This notice, opportunity to be heard, and right to an attorney is known as “due process,” and it is a vitally important part of these kinds of hearings, especially at public universities and colleges. It is illegal for the government to infringe on your rights without due process, so these standards are quite strict.
Why to Hire a Lawyer for Academic Hearings in Utah
Your right to have an attorney with you is vital, and you should always exercise this right. An attorney experienced in academic hearings knows how these hearings are supposed to proceed, and your lawyer can advise you on what the process should look like, what expectations you should have, and whether the university’s actions against you are legal or not. This can help protect your rights from being trampled on because of your lack of experience or understanding.
Having a lawyer speak on your behalf is also vital in many cases. Some accusations, such as rape or sexual assault, can be extremely personal. It is common for people accused of these kinds of issues to get emotional and defensive, which makes it harder for them to argue their case and answer questions at a hearing. Your lawyer can advocate on your behalf to avoid tainting your case with angry or offended responses or excessive disclosures that hurt your case.
Your lawyer’s experience is also vital to your case. A lawyer experienced with cross-examination and evidence presentation knows how to get at the heart of the issue and fight the case against you. These concentrated efforts are important, especially if the time you have at your hearing is limited.
Criminal Charges for College Code of Conduct Violations
If you have been accused of violating aspects of your school’s code of conduct, you may also face criminal charges for the same actions. For instance, violations of the code of conduct based on underage drinking, assault, sexual assault, or drug possession can also lead to independent criminal charges or violations. Addressing these charges in court and fighting the academic charges in a hearing are vital.
Criminal charges can lead to more serious penalties than expulsion, including jail time and heavy fines. There may also be harsh penalties for long-term penalties, such as registration as a sex offender for rape or sexual assault or an inability to own a firearm for felony convictions. All the while, your expulsion will make it harder to finish your degree and find a job with both no degree and a criminal record.
Talk to a lawyer for help fighting these charges. In many cases, courts are willing to arrange non-jail penalties, which could include periods of probation or rehabilitative classes and community service to make up for minor crimes and violations. These alternative penalties could allow you to stay in school and avoid a criminal record.
Call Our Defense Lawyers for Academic Disciplinary Hearings at Weber State University
If you or someone in your family is a Weber student facing potential disciplinary measures for code of conduct violations, call Overson Law today. Our defense lawyers for Weber State University disciplinary hearings represent students and their families, working to keep them enrolled in college and fighting to get criminal charges against them dropped and dismissed. For a free legal consultation on your case, call our law offices today at (801) 758-2287.